Friday, March 7, 2008

Mate. The Argentinian way.

Hola. Joel and I are at Lago Puelo, and beautiful national park with a turquoise blue lake. Love it.

We met an Argentinian couple, Nacho and Laura, who we camped with. Every night we made dinner together, played cards (we know some new games, yippie!) and drank Mate. Mmmm, Yerba Mate, the drink of Argentina. It´s a tea, drank out of a special cup (usually made from a goard...the kind of vegatable. I can´t spell), and drank with a bomilla (a special spoon straw). I had it in Canada a few times and thought it tasted like hay. But here, they flavour it with other herbs and mints, and add sugar. Special. Laura and Nacho bought us a present, the mate cup, bomilla and mate tea. It was so thoughtful of them. They left today for PN los Alerces, and Joel and I hope to meet up with them in 3 days when we go down there. Meeting people while travelling makes everything so wonderful and fun. We got to practice a lot of Spanish, and they practiced a lot of English. With our 5 year old vocabulary we were able to talk about polictics, climate change, life, teach card games.

This has to be cut short because we have a bus to catch back to the lake.


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